How to make units move in columns or like this game?


how did they make them move in the directions of the lines? and not all units move at one position

trying to achieve something like this🔽

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Those who made that just adding some randomness to their end position. You can do that to by just adding this vector:

local randomVector =,math.random()-0.5,math.random()-0.5) * Intensity

to the end position for each unit.


thanks for letting me know but do you know how to script something like the second image (i just editted the post)

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This would be quite tough to do. What you could do is get the directions the units should move i.e the average center of the entire group of units towards the mouse position and then you would have to get the distance of the center of the units to the mouse location and then multiply the direction with the distance and then make the units walk to their center location + group to mouse direction * distance to mouse. It’s a bit confusing I know. If you don’t understand, then don’t hesitate to ask me.

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