How To Make Viewmodel Dissapear When Unequpping Tool

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i was making an fps game, where when the tool equipped the viewmodel will be renderstepped and will be visible, but when unequipped it will be invisible or maybe destroy i wonder how would i do this, :skull_and_crossbones: i forgor to explain my problem, so the problem is that the viewmodel that is in replicated storage wont clone when i equip the tool again, and somehow no errors?

thanks, -How4rdy.

    -- Your code

yes i know unequipped but thats not my problem, the problem is when the viewmodel gets destroyed, the one in the RS wont clone, also how do i disconnect renderstepped, do i need to use bindtorenderstepped?

to disconnect renderstepped:

local connection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()



i’m sure this works but tell me if it doesn’t.

also i want to see the code where you delete the viewmodel (im not that advanced in coding so i might not be able to really help you)

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nvm i already fixed it, but thanks tho.

i ended up using BindToRenderStepped, it helps alot thats how i fixed it basically.

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