Soo, it’s only question about math mostly, is there any way to make that visual bullet that may use physical velocity or lerping can follow raycast path in an arc? I know that i can use beziers, but they wouldn’t be that effective for that many bullets
No, i don’t want to use any pre-made module, i know fast cast but i want to do it myself
I mean, technically, if you want to make a working bullet, then you could do the raycasting and damaging stuff in a server script, and make an independent bullet “visual” local script.
local handle = script.Parent.Handle
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local gun = script.Parent
local bullet = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Bullet:Clone()
bullet.Parent = gun
bullet.Velocity = mouse.Hit.LookVector * 1000
bullet.Position = handle.Position
bullet.CanCollide = false
EDIT: this would be an example, where the bullet flies straight forward. you can play with the .LookVector * 1000 a bit. It might fly in a bit of an arc if you lower the lookvector factor
Problem is that i want this visual bullet to be correct, and follow similar path, also raycast is in arc too! soo there is this problem
Maybe you can use a parabola for that?
I don’t know all that much about raycasting but changing one of the values to an adjusted parabola could work
Edit: I kinda forgot to mention that a parabola is the following:
f(x) = x * x
y = x * x
I know it, problem is that it wouldn’t work as raycasts are dropped every point by some level, i wanted to ask also if player could see difference if actual bullet doesn’t hit target?
If that question is regarding to the script that i sent you, then IDK. Personally, I added a local script into the bullet that fires a remote event on impact. Theres a damage script that checks for that remote event to fire.
I know it isn’t really the best way to do it but yee…
There will only be a small “delay”, because ping exists
After experimenting with lerp parabola seems realistic soo yea, thx