How to make water more clear?

I need help with water it’s not being clear so I need help!
Any reasons why?


there is an option under workspace.Terrain that lets you change water transparency


thank you for attending my TED-talk
(oh i forgot to mention, always have the background of your water in mind, certain colouring can mess it up if they both equal a dark colour when added)


It depends. Have you set water transparency to it and its not transparent or you want help to make it transparent. If its you have set the transparency and the water doesn’t seem transparent then its because your graphic are low. To make it visible you have to increase your graphics. If you need help making it transparent you can follow what @minkmink posted above.


Water wont render completely in studio mode, you’ll have to launch test-play mode or play on a server to also see its full effect.

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please don’t misinform people, water renders exactly the same in studio as in a game on the same graphics
to change your graphics in studio you will want to open your studio settings and click “Rendering”
afterwards you want to change the “Quality” and “Edit Quality” levels (mine are on 21 as i have a relatively beefy pc, you may want it lower if yours does not have alot of oomph behind it’s cpu)


It wasn’t my intention, and as most people haven’t set up studio to change the quality level from anything other than auto, which even on high quality systems will render at about lvl 10 in studio; what I said was accurate, with the exception that I should have said “Sometimes studio doesn’t”

Its also quite possible the a cause of their issue.


the color and transparency make the water look like pool water try to put the color to a dark blue with a transparency 1 and a reflectance of 0.7 to 1