How to make water particles in roblox studio?

i need help creating water particles for my game i just dont know how to make custom particles i just need some particles that look like the images below
any help is appreciated


You can use fire then change the color to white and change the height hope this helps

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You can also use smoke and size it down and recolor it.

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That would be to misty and u cant really size it down like you can with fire

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i tried both of them but they didnt work to well



Try using a particle emitter with this particle: rbxassetid://272050333

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For this I’d use ParticleEmitters. It’s far more customizable than fires and smoke.

You can modify the particle image, size, angle of spreading, and others. It supports NumberSequences to add extra sequencing effects (example, fade in transparency, etc)

Here’s for your reference:

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These are the properties I would use with a particle emitter:

Acceleration changes height in this case. Here is what this looks like:

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I am using one of them on my ravine showcase!:smiley:


would you recommend color or color sequence?

You can set a high speed with a negative aceleration on a particle emitter, and then mess with the spread settings to get it right

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If your trying to make them look like the one’s in your pictures, I would just use color. You might want to change transparency though.

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what color would you say is the best for realism?

Let me play with it for a minute, hang on.

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I would say [255,255,255] with a transparency of 0.6, a size of 0.8, and this particle: 272050333.


thank you very much for the support

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Thank you, I been trying to find something that would work. Thank you for sharing this. I am a beginner in making particles.