How to make wheels spin

Hey! So I have a boat with “wheels”. The boat moves fine, but I want to be able to make the wheels spin while the boat moves. I currently use the QPerfectionWeld Script to weld the whole model together, and for movement, I have a body gyro and body velocity. The movement works fine, but the problem is I don’t know how to move the wheels. When I try changing the orientation, the wheels don’t spin at all because of the welds. If anyone knows any methods of how to do this I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Picture of the boat:

Unweld the wheels from the chassis and instead weld the parts of the wheel together. Then put hinge joints on the sides of the wheels and connect them to the chassis.

You would also want to insert AngularVelocity instances into the wheel base and experiment with the velocity until it fits.

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Thank you so much, I’ll try that out!

Basically as @nvyjlykorwmujyrpkevk said, you build it exactly like you’d build a car.
How do you have the boat moving if the paddlewheels don’t move yet? Boats on Terrain Water can use the paddlewheels or propellers to move and steer. Check out my Boat Obby.

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Alright I’l check out the boat obby! I currently just have a car seat, and I change the body velocity of the boat based on which direction they steer. Could that work too?

It could, but why do that when you are going to be spinning the paddlewheels anyway.
Roblox water physics can be a little messed up for boats when it comes to the fact you can build vertical walls of water!
Try weird things with boats and water, it’s fun!

I will thanks! Also your boat obby is pretty epic!

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