How to make when a player touches a part, a group of blocks become CanCollide only for the player

I am trying to make a script that, when a player touches a part, will make the blocks that are in a specific folder become CanCollide true only for the specific player that touched the block. I tried using localscripts or trying to make a script in StarterPlayerScripts but they didn’t work.*

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In local script, you can add a .Touched event then use for loop to loop through the group of parts and turn their can collide off.

local partToTouch = part-to-touch
local fallingPartsModel = model-here

local db = false

     if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
         if hit.Parent == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then
            if db then return end
            db = true
            for i,v in pairs(fallingPartsModel:GetChildren()) do
               v.CanCollide = false

I have checked it and it is working, thank you very much. :slight_smile: