How to make your Cafe game unique?

Hello there! :wave:

Me and my dev team is making a Cafe game, and we have a problem. There are already tons of tons of Cafe games on Roblox, and we would like to stand out! How could we do so? Any tips?


Come up with a unique idea that you can implement into your game.

I don’t mean just a small idea, like you’re gonna sell chocolate donuts instead of just pink donuts - think of something significant that’ll help you stand out from the rest of the cafe games, so you can become more recognised by newer players and gain popularity over other groups.


You can’t really do anything. All the cafe games are just the same. You have to have a very VERY big twist to even have people attention.

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You could make the play have to do a mini game to create the food, and add NPC to server and be serverd tht would be original


Your best bet is probably to make the process of making a drink or food more interesting. For example adding more steps, using Gui, maybe even minigames to work some machines.

Another idea is to think of it as a hangout place - you’ll get more attention and more returning players if there’s more to do than just order food and drink or serve customers.

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You mean like we’d have to think of an idea that’s game changing?

Yeah that seems like a great idea :+1:

I’ll try it out!

What audience are you aiming for? For instance, if you are aiming for your game to be for pre-teens (9-12), having a Discord server won’t be the best option for communication. Members that are too young for Discord will feel left out.

If you are going to use a Discord server, make the Discord server optional for people who cannot use Discord. For instance, if handbooks and guides were on the Discord, a non-Discord user would get confused. Only use the communication server for additional things, not main resources.

Most cafes have the same system: Work, order, buy items, eat food.

This doesn’t engage the user nor interests them in staying in the game longer.

Create a community instead of a one-time visit place. Find ways to make a customer feel like they are part of your community.

Most importantly, make it FUN! Disco parties, pets, perks, hangouts, ice skating rinks, gardens, activities, games, and more are all great to keep your players entertained. Instead of just grabbing an order, why not make it an activity? That means maybe baking the cake or frying the doughnut instead of just clicking on it?

You can also make it fun for the customer. Maybe a digital credit card to pay for food or a counter to pick up your items.

Best of luck! :slight_smile:


Great idea! Thanks for helping me out bro!

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You’re welcome! Keep in mind, if you want to grow a community where it is easier for people to become staff, keep rules less strict! I’ve noticed that lots of no grammar cafes/restaurants have more group members than those who apply strict grammar rules. :slight_smile:


Yeah, i understand that. Most people really don’t like to use grammar!

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I recommend at least having basic grammar rules. For example, spelling words correctly, and not a lot of shortcuts (I think that’s what you call them) like: “tho”, etc.

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