I want to measure up team leaderstats so i can compare the points each team has in a capture the flag game.
thats pretty much all there is to it.
I want to measure up team leaderstats so i can compare the points each team has in a capture the flag game.
thats pretty much all there is to it.
Well that’s very unspecific, anyways you can declare the teams score variable then add to it for every person in the team
Ive already tried making a variable for how much points a team has i just cant figure out how to add each players points to it correctly
Do a for loop with the player’s from each team
local teamPoints
for _,player in pairs( team:GetPlayers()) do
i put the script in SSS and its not working
local team = game.Teams.North
local teamPoints = team.Value.Value
while wait(1) do
for _,player in pairs(team:GetPlayers()) do
teamPoints += player.leaderstats.Points.value
local function getTeamPoints(team: Team): number
local points = 0
for _, player in pairs(team:GetPlayers()) do
local ls = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
if not ls or not ls:FindFirstChild("Points") then continue end
points += ls.Points.Value
return points
local team = game.Teams.North
while task.wait(1) do
team.Value.Value = getTeamPoints(team)
the script doesnt do anything bugyguh
Are you sure you’re keeping track of points correctly there’s no reason for it to not work
it just doesnt work for some reason but heres another script i tried but it didnt work also
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
while game.StarterGui.TopText.Time.Text == "Deciding Winner..." do
local team = plr.TeamColor
if game.Teams.North.TeamColor == team then
game.Teams.North.Value.Value += plr.leaderstats.Points.Value
if game.Teams.South.TeamColor == team then
game.Teams.South.Value.Value += plr.leaderstats.Points.Value
i put this in starterplayerscripts btw
Do you want to measure them at the start of the game or at the end? Or repeatedly?
at the end.,.,…,.,.,.,.,.,…,.,…,.,.,.,/.,/.,./,./,/.,.,/
So. Ill try to help.
You might want to have 2 for loops that iterate over the points of each player in the team, as @uriel_Gamer444 and @NyrionDev did. And you wanna store them in a value. Then do the comparison and set the varìables out yk.
Are you changing Gui text from StarterGui? that doesn’t replicate to clients unless the Gui is reset in the client, you have to change it from game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
, also wait(100000)
will just stop it from ever running again try doing
plr.PlayerGui.TopText.Time:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()--Text got changed
if plr.PlayerGui.TopText.Time.Text=="Deciding Winner..." then --If the text is that
if plr.TeamColor==game.Teams.North.TeamColor == team then
game.Teams.North.Value.Value += plr.leaderstats.Points.Value
else--Not North team
game.Teams.South.Value.Value += plr.leaderstats.Points.Value
if you want it to stop from running again you can do a connection and then disconnect it
It didnt change the value.,…,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
Yeah mb for not mentioning but you’re also trying to change the value from the client, it will not replicate, you need to get a server script to do it, if the client could do it it would be usually exploitable
--On a server script
local remoteEvent=Instance.new("RemoteEvent")--Get the adress of your remote event here, it allows communication between server and client
local function decideWinner()
local northTeamPoints=0
local southTeamPoints=0
local Winner
for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player.Team==game.Teams.North then
northTeamPoints += player.leaderstats.Value.Value
elseif player.Team==game.Teams.South then
southTeamPoints +=player.leaderstats.Value.Value
if northTeamPoints>southTeamPoints then
elseif southTeamPoints>northTeamPoints then
elseif southTeamPoints==northTeamPoints then
--When you go to decide the winner
--On a local script
local message
if not winner then--Tied
message="It's a tie!"
message="The winner is"..winner.Name.."!"
It’s hard to really know what the right answer is since i don’t know much of how anything is set up
how to i refer to the remote event with the local script because the remote event has no parent
I made the remote event in the script because yes, create one before running the game on ReplicatedStorage, and then reference it from both scripts
its not working again,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
wait does my game need to be published for it to work
Remote events don’t need for the game to be published to work, are you sure you’re firing the function in the correct time and remember that it has to be a server script in ServerScriptService