How to measure Team leaderstats

so do i need to test with multiple players


No, just press play and the button will appear.

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oh you want me to play test with the current server

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I have no idea what your talking about now. just press play and look for the button that simple.

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i did,…,.,.,.,…,.,.,…,.,.,.,.,.,…,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

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Hey, I made this to help you, the scripts have tips.
You can open this just dragging the file into the studio. Ask me smth if necessary.

download the place here:
match_system.rbxl (60.1 KB)

scripts used:

Server Script
-- services
players = game:GetService("Players")
teams = game:GetService("Teams")
replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- teams (you will locate the teams which you want to use)
local A = teams:WaitForChild("A")
local B = teams:WaitForChild("B")

-- important values
local match_lenght = 30 -- here you will set the lenght of the match

-- searching for the event \/
messageEvent = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("messageEvent")

-- team values
-- it will be used to devide which team is the winner
local teamA = 0
local teamB = 0

-- functions
local function createStat(player, value) -- this will be called to create the player stat when he join the game
	local leaderstats ="Folder", player)
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	local your_stat ="IntValue", leaderstats) -- TODO >> remember that you need to change the stat variable name throughout the script
	your_stat.Name = "stat_name" -- you can change the stat name like you want

local function decideWinner() -- it will be called to decide who is the winner
	for _, player in players:GetPlayers() do -- list searching for all players on the game
		local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") -- searching for the leaderstats into the player
		if player.Team == A then
			teamA += leaderstats.stat_name.Value
		elseif player.Team == B then
			teamB += leaderstats.stat_name.Value
	if teamA > teamB then
		messageEvent:FireAllClients("Team A won!")
	elseif teamB > teamA then
		messageEvent:FireAllClients("Team B won!")
	elseif teamB == teamA then
		messageEvent:FireAllClients("It's a tie!")

-- calls


-- the match loop
while task.wait(5) do
	for i = match_lenght, 0, -1 do -- it will create a cooldown using the match_lenght seen before
		messageEvent:FireAllClients(tostring("Time left: "..i)) -- it will display the cooldown to all players

--[[ >> tips

to display a message, just use the command: messageEvent:FireAllClients("your message")

Client Script
replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
messageEvent = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("messageEvent")

messageEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(msg) -- when the client receive the message sent from the server then
	script.Parent.Text = msg -- the text will be the msg sent



can you copyy and paste me the server script service code because my copy doesnt have it

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yo why does it delete all my other leaderstats

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I think theres an actually problem with my game, i used his method and it still didnt add the stats and just says its a tie every time

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It’s happening bc you need to add smth that can add points into your player’s leaderstats.
In the message above I only created the leaderstats and made the winner either.

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it still says tie hvgbnygrv6tgunbtvrftgjkhyfdrtfyuhgdtryuhgfdxsrtyu

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You can manipulate the stats by the console(/console in the chat or F9) and change your value, but only for tests.

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ive been changing the value of my ls

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hey how can i make the timer like minutes:Seconds instead of just seconds

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