I want a way to mention a big number range, because I am making a math.random from 1 to 1000, I dont know how to do it, please help lol
local minn = game.ServerStorage.MinRandom.Value
local maxn = game.ServerStorage.MaxRandom.Value
local mlti = game.ServerStorage.Multiplier.Value
-- testing stuff
-- The Rest is cut off to prevent exploiters from exploiting it.
math.random casts doubles (which includes special values - Infinity and NaN) to signed 32-bit integer. On x86 machines compiled by gcc/clang, if it’s a special value or outside of the signed 32-bit range then it is casted to minimum value of 32-bit signed integer.
math.huge is C’s HUGE_VAL as stated in Roblox documentation which is Infinity as represented from IEEE 754 floating point standard therefore it’s not part of the standard signed 32-bit integer format.
As a result, it’ll probably error that “interval is empty”.
To OP: What do you mean by “mentioning big number range”?
What are you trying to do?