So I’m setting up an animation, and pretty much, its like a blast movement. I’m making knockback though, but if the knockback is in the animation, my character isn’t considered changed position, so after the animation is done, my character zooms back into place, which is not what I wanted it to do.
Aaand we come to the reason why I put this in scripting support: I want to move the player with script. Not like they walk with the walk animation, but they move with the animation, so when the animation is done, they end up in the same position as the animation.
Any help is appreciated, and I will test any code tomorrow.
The character moves in the animation and he said the character teleporting back after the animation was the issue. So moving the character more permanently with Tweens would be better than doing it with the animation.
Well, tweening might actually be better, as I can just use += to set a position. Not to mention I can use a tweening style, which might give it a better style now.