How to move Hat along with the animation of the Model

Does anybody knows how to make a hat follow a non Humanoid Model while the Model is playing an animation? I have tried with Motor6D, Attachments and WeldConstraint, but none of those methods worked for me. The hat that is attached to the model isn’t anchored. The hat is following the Model’s head, only when the animation is playing. The model is animated with bones. I’ve been struggling with this issue for a while. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Have you tried creating weld or joints in rig editor?
Either try to reconstruct the rig by resetting all the joints and making a new one

Yes I have tried, but still not doing the job.

Can you provide more informations like screens of your rig and hat that you are trying to attach?
Would be helpful

The model is not a rig, is just a custom model (like a pet) and it is attached to the player and when then “Pet” gets detached from the player an aimation is playing. If the “Pet” has a hat attached to its head, when that animation is playing the hat stays at the initial position where it was before the animation playing. I think that I have to include the hat into the animation process because the “Pet” is animated using Bones. The thing is that I have multiple hats to animate.

Attach a screenshot please,
for my models that i imported from a blender everything works perfectly fine by just creating welds between mesh and part by a script, so i can’t really understand what is the problem.

Yes, the hat stays attached on the Model while the Model is attached on the player, but when the animation of the Model is Playing, the hat is not following the Model anymore and after the animation is done, the hat is following the Model. I think it has to do with the fact that the Model is using Bones. What I have noticed is that if a Model is animated using Bones, the Model’s position while the animation is playing stays the same and cannot be tracked.