How to move welded part?

Hello. So I’m making basic turret movment. So I have welded turret part. So I want it to move on Y axis based on MousePosition, also I tried moving it with C0 =,etc but it still moves the whole model.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local Weld = game.Workspace.Tank.Vehicle.Turret.MainMove.Weld.C0

while wait() do
	local unit = (mouse.Hit.Position-Weld.Position).Unit
	local cross = unit:Cross(,1,0))
	Weld = CFrame.fromMatrix(Weld.Position,cross,,1,0))

This is the script that I am using.

Did you try looking a tutorial it helps alot!

Yes I tried. Nothing still moves whole model and also I didn’t explain very well what I’m trying to do. So I welded a part and I want it to rotate on Y axis based on mouse position. In tutorial he uses VehicleSeat so yea it didn’t help me.