How to optimize big map

but if it ruins players experience then what’s the point, it’s still bypass able and all what you’ll do is make people with slow internet worse experience then they already have. Replicated storage.

ServerStorage. I never said anything about requesting the server to parent it to workspace. I said to parent parts of the map to workspace in INCREMENTS. It helps with lag, and high end games do it all of the time.

Source? Just trust me bro.

What do you mean by that. The server is still parenting it to workspace which therefore is still stealable XD.

Stop please.

lmao what are you talking about source? This is your logic: Instead of just locking your house door when you can, You would rather just leave it unlocked, because something’s preventing you from locking it… because “people will rob me anyways?”

You need to stop.

Parenting a 10000~ part model to the workspace is EXTREMELY laggy. You can’t tell me otherwise. You parent it in small increments to decrease lag. Would you rather have 50% security, or ZERO percent security?

How do you know big games do this?

But if I have kids and for example a huge tsunami in my house randomly comes, I will leave them locked?

“50 percent security” more like 10 percent security, atleast I can have 0 percent security and my players can still enjoy my game even if they have slow net.

You’re literally saying that commitblue doesn’t make any sense. When you’re parenting an object from serverstorage to workspace. Which can easily be stolen since you’re cloning the object to workspace, which the client can access. That’s what @commitblue is trying to tell u.

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Look, you stop. If it’s effective then it’s worth doing it, if it just brings hardly security and ruins players experience then it’s not.

I don’t understand what since this makes. Tell me this. If an object is parented to ServerStorage can it be accessed by the client? Yes or no.

Yes but if server parents it to workspace so the client can see it, safe or no?

The client can’t take it from server storage.

But if you clone the item from server storage to workspace, the client can directly take the item from workspace.

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You didn’t even bring source at all, you made this “big games use this method” made up.

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No. Murder Mystery 2 does this. I can prove it to you.

This person is wondering whether he can load in a map “bit by bit”:

Look at this forum:

I’m not making anything up. I’m not just pulling it up out of the side of my neck. It’s facts. Roblox itself uses methods like chunk loading to load extremely large maps.

They use content provider service. They dont do the clone from serverstorage method.

I’m not talking about cloning. I’m talking about parenting. So you’ve admitted that the client can’t access parts in serverstorage, and they can when it’s parented to workspace.

that wasn’t what I was talking about. I was talking about the client being able to take items from workspace.

so why store it inside of replicatedstorage, where clients can access it 100% of the time, rather than serverstorage where clients can access it 50%? More security. And I don’t know where you got that “Performance > safety”, which is NOT true at all. What’s the point of having a great game with players, If someone can just hack it, and get you AND your game banned… Am I crazy or something?

I’m talking about the fact that you always want to keep it secure as much as possible. So storing it inside of serverstorage is safer.

sorry, I don’t want to argue, just explaining it.