How to optimize big map

Yeah you are. How is storing maps in replicated storage making hackers ban you? That’s the most hilarious post I’ve heard.

Because I’d the player got ping. He would fall off the map. You would need like the best internet to handle this system

But when I lag I still see the map, which proves murder mystery does not use your method but instead replicated storage.

what? that makes no sense. the method is supposed to REDUCE lag, not completely stop it???

i’m just suggesting a method. i’m not here to argue.

Yes, And your method is doing the opposite. You need some decent internet to handle this system since your gonna need to do this every second

Just trying to tell you why it won’t work.

alright, good sir, if you insist

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okay I’m just not trying to be rude, OK? he just wants decreased lag and not securing map. I’m just trying to tell you why it won’t work. Do what you want, but if it’s bad then you know why it is.

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I do a for i loop and load parts in chunks so if i % 1000 == 0 then wait(1) end

It helps with the lag as the parts aren’t loaded simultaneously

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This is exactly what I was saying. I knew I had some sense.

Dont understand what you mean by "copy all part fr

So there shouldnt be any items in the workspace? Make an empty game?

By the way thank you all for the replies, i appreciate the effort, but a lot of replies dont make sense.

We’re saying why his security won’t work. Not how to secure it.

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