What does the code do and what are you not satisfied with?
Loads water into the game, with the intent of also using the blocks to provide “waterRegions” for other uses, like detecting if a player is in water. I am not satisfied with the performance of how the water loads
What potential improvements have you considered?
I know there are other ways of going about this, but I specifically want to use parts to load water into the game to serve as more potent form of detecting water, rather than reading voxels of water terrain.
I’ve tried manually making terrain water and putting parts in by hand, but I wanna just be able to use parts as its more precise when building.
How (specifically) do you want to improve the code?
I want to improve the performance, and if possible get help with other solutions of conveniently loading water
local WaterRollOffMultiplier = 2
local function SetupWater()
warn("-- Loading Water...This may take awhile.. --")
local function getChildWithWarning(parent, childName, warnMessage)
local child = parent:FindFirstChild(childName)
if not child then
return child
local t = workspace:FindFirstChild("Terrain")
if not t then
warn("Couldn't get terrain folder!")
local WaterF = getChildWithWarning(t, "WaterTerrain", "Couldn't get water terrain folder!")
if WaterF then
local resources = WaterF:FindFirstChild("Sounds")
if not resources then
warn("Couldn't get sounds folder!")
resources.OceanWater.Playing = true
resources.SmallWater.Playing = true
resources.OceanWater.Volume = 0
resources.SmallWater.Volume = 0
local Generators = WaterF:FindFirstChild("WaterGenerators")
if not Generators then
warn("Couldn't get water generators folder!")
for _, z in pairs(Generators:GetDescendants()) do
if not z then warn("Couldn't find anything in" .. Generators.Name .. "!") return end
if z:IsA("BasePart") then -- checks if it's a part
if z:FindFirstChild("Include_Sound?") and z["Include_Sound?"].Value == true then -- just checks if the part will include the sound effect or not, if it's set to false it'll just not add the sound effect.
if z.Name == "Ocean_Water" and z:IsA("BasePart") then
local ows = resources.OceanWater:Clone() -- applies Ocean water sound to the Ocean water part
ows.Parent = z
ows.Volume = 1
ows.TimePosition = math.random(0, ows.TimeLength)
ows.RollOffMaxDistance = z and math.min((math.sqrt(z.Size.X^2 + z.Size.Z^2) / 2) * WaterRollOffMultiplier, 1000) or 500
elseif z.Name == "Small_Water" and z:IsA("BasePart") then
local sws = resources.SmallWater:Clone() -- applies small water sound to the small water part
sws.Parent = z
sws.Volume = 1
sws.TimePosition = math.random(0, sws.TimeLength)
task.wait() -- wait time for checking all water parts #Sigma
local success, err = pcall(function()
z.Parent = workspace.Filter.WaterCurrents
local WaterSourceForce = Instance.new("NumberValue")
WaterSourceForce.Name = "Force"
WaterSourceForce.Value = 0
WaterSourceForce.Parent = z
game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(z.CFrame, z.Size, Enum.Material.Water) -- fills the parts found with water.
if success then
z.Transparency = 1
z.CastShadow = false
z.CanCollide = false
z.CanTouch = true
z.CanCollide = true
z.Transparency = 0.5
z.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
warn("Failed to fill block with water for part " .. z.Name .. ": " .. err)
warn("Attempting to resize part until it succeeds")
local Decrease_Increment = 1
warn("Resize part attempt")
z.Size = z.Size - Vector3.new(z.Size.X, Decrease_Increment, z.Size.Z)
success, err = pcall(function()
game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(z.CFrame, z.Size, Enum.Material.Water)
z.Transparency = z.Transparency - Decrease_Increment
Decrease_Increment = Decrease_Increment + 0.05
until success
if success then
z.Transparency = 1
z.CastShadow = false
z.CanCollide = false
z.CanTouch = true
warn("Failed to fill block with water for part " .. z.Name .. " after resizing: " .. err)
local x = Instance.new("BoolValue")
x.Name = "WaterLoaded"
x.Value = true
x.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
warn("-- Baseplate World Water Loaded! --")
local SkipWaterInStudio = true
if not is_studio or not SkipWaterInStudio then
elseif SkipWaterInStudio then
if not ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("WaterLoaded") then
local x = Instance.new("BoolValue")
x.Name = "WaterLoaded"
x.Value = true
x.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
warn("-- Baseplate World Water Loaded! --")
local x = Instance.new("BoolValue") -- THE BACK-BONE OF BaseplateWorld!!!
x.Name = "GameLoaded"
x.Value = true
x.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
print("server loaded")