You don’t have to be a millionaire game developer by 13. I’m only slightly older and haven’t fully made a game yet, it takes time to get your head around Roblox, especially with scripting, building, AND mesh-making, if you’re into that, on top of the financial aspects of Roblox. Take your time with it, don’t let the frustration of not getting things done break you down. Stuff like this takes years to become worth it. Adopt Me didn’t just become the best game overnight, developers of the game have been developing for ages before even thinking of the idea of that sort of game.
This is the type of ignorant motivation I didn’t want to hear.
I’ve already wasted so much priceless time. I could have done things I could but instead I chose to stall, stall stall stall stall.
I said it before many times and I’ll say it again, I don’t care for money. I just want to accomplish the things I want to, accomplish more, more more more more
Life throws lemons after another lemon lemons and lemons. Personal problems going on between my parents, it’s making me black
If developing is getting to the point of constantly and severely affecting your mental health then deving is not for you. To overcome procrastination is overcoming a form of laziness.
I overcome procrastination in several different ways. The promise of money and I get to see the limits of what I can do is a starter. I don’t easily get bored because when I want to build something (for myself) I find something I find interesting and wait on it a little, thinking how I could improve it and how it’d look and this builds up “tension” or a want to make it so I do it.
Suffering from mental issues is not an excuse or a definite outcome for procrastination. You do not have to succeed in every way and build every single day.
Please attempt a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Eat right, exercise, go out, make time for the stuff you love to do. This is a KEY source for motivation.
A messy desk creates a messy mind. Keep yourself in a good environment.
The mentality of which you are thinking is severely unhealthy. Thinking of people as normies and toddlers (of which they may be) but there are 7 billion people on this earth and not a single one of us is unique.
I personally struggle with a lack of creativity so I take commissions and I love what I do. If you do not, it is not for you.
Balance with a sprinkle of a healthy congruent lifestyle will do you a world of good.
I hope this helped and I’d be more than happy to discuss this more in DMs as I am well practiced in what I preach.
Dude trust me, you’re super young. You have a ton of time left to do things like make games. Just start with smaller projects and release them so you can get a sense of how to market and complete a game. Almost no one does something great overnight, and if you think that you’re the exception you’re probably wrong. You need to take it easy and don’t be so hard on yourself. I was once like that and trust me, it’s not worth it. Everyone procrastinates, but stressing over it without actually addressing the problem just makes it worse. Good luck man.
Personally i went through the same thing, at the beginning of the year i felt great, i thought i was going to make a great game. I worked too hard, i spent ages awake thinking about the game. I eventually gave up on the game and spent day after day sat there, bored, not doing anything, but I couldn’t go outside, nope i had to stay indoors. But then i bought myself a skateboard and spent some time per day learning, i wasn’t perfect, but nobody just starts out at anything perfect. I was actually enjoying myself doing something i loved. I also of course love making games, but i just needed a good break and so i had one, i took my mind off of programming day after day and i felt much better, i could then finally get back to something else i loved, programming.