See, I don’t have any real friends.
Nobody likes me, I’m unpopular, and all of my friends on ROBLOX and discord either ignore me, don’t know who I am, or rarely ever come online
So that’s crossed out.
@iiBobaPotato I get what you mean, but I just can’t stop thinking about working on my game, but at the same time I don’t want to work on it.
I’m in a confusing mental state. That is why I will babble.
the confucionsist cysts of mental breakdowns will confuseing the thie gthing ching ching ching ding ding wong wong wing wing ding ing ing ging king king ring ring ding ding ching ching ding ig ding idng wing wing qing qing wieng eir nring tin tnint niniancinv vinv vivnvv vnivnv vhighinv
HIghlands constortanotomy of the nerds of the republican plaza in new york not the decimatory blendery things of the thing of things of the sword that will strike through the insider mind of the mi nd insiders bleuznder thunder thunder thunger clreper tnt dhund chunt chunt chung chug chug chug chut chutic thic thic thick thick ming ming cmick kicm
Mikael gorbachev is a predacessor to the mreme sht elalalaa
I am confusion
I want to learn trigonometry and vector physics and better and roblox more code composing but the the liabiliesi far outweigh the possibilititiyitys
king kong 1998
freedom fighters
акуувщь ашпреукы ща еру ьштштп скфае акщь еру срштп срщтп ща еру цштп цщтп икгр икгр вштп вщтп ща ф цштп цщтп ща ф дштп дщтп ьштп ьщтп
рштп рщтп црукуэы еру сщьаштпшт еру су
singleplayer games is not fun !
very hard to fine good game nowaday !
ronblock is getting boring !
must find good game !
but new features ? why bugs there no fix thing then excitemented makess me happy !
but there is no excitement now, but i know the things …
There’s wills be hard to find friends on roblox !
many are ignorant toddlers, dont know social value .
they do not make friend with stranger, because they are too young !
only friend with their age group in real life .
but knowing the them take long time , have cringe …
good frind is rare to find .
many friende i find frmo 2016-2017 …
2018 - 2020 the people have become uninterested in roblox .
roblox friend now reserve to young children who lack morale and social responsibilitiy !
sometime , i do meeting the good peoples, but they refusal to friend me as they are know the same thing that i do - the generic comunity on roblocks have become degeneracy !
they don’t want do thing make game, that sort of stuff
only play game and hinder their life in social media
they are normie , way of speech “and i oop-” “tik tok” “kim kardashian” there interst is not the my the age , is very young people .
many game on roblox is boring repetitive
many game use same formula,
they is being a simulators ,
many game have botte, or the player base is too young to know how to speak !
many is noob, very rare encounter those who join before 2018
very hard to find hidden gem , because of roblox terrible game page !
always same game s, no new game
good game is lumber tycoon , theme park tycoon 2, but it same thing . i stuck in procrastination loop because my tycoon in those game require alot of thing to do , but i too lazy to do .
many hard decision conundrum to make , that is why i do this loop ihn first place
i have many mental conditions - ocd and autism diagnose
my ocd get progressively worst , but i think is good concioisness, impossible to rid of
i am confusion as to but i want good life n furture but is good hard to bring possibility