How to overcome procrastination

I’ve been stuck in a vicious cycle of endless repetitive procrastination and laziness on ROBLOX, which has been affecting my mental health for more than half a year since january 2020.

I originally started the year off with a bang of excitement, looking forward to work hastily on new projects. Then all of a sudden I came to many endless conundrums of deciding things and hard things to do, which made me lazy and now I am still too lazy to write this with a good vocabulary and explain all the things I going through


99.9% of developers have at least once experience losing motivation.

Just don’t overthink, and just develop. You need to patient in developing, game not earning? Just wait.


My friend olivia, it is not that simple. I do not earn for revenue, but quality in games. That is why I want to add every bit of extra detail to everything, which will not take much time in general, but the human mind is complex, and sometimes i am tired or too lazy. Doing things unforcefully will end up in me just CANT

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I don’t think “quality in games” is a goal really - why are you making games in the first place? If you have a reason to do it then it might be easier to get in the loop - whether it’s for fun or to get in the front page, or maybe even to approach learning different development skills, you should have something you are aiming for.

If you’re not aiming for anything, of course you are going to miss. Motivation is tricky but if you have some desired end-goal, it will always be a driving force.


I’m not no psychologist, but I recommend you take a break. Not just a day off or a week, like a legitimate break. Have fun, unfortunately with the pandemic going on, you might not be able to leave your house. But you can try doing stuff in the house, sleep a lot more, I normally go the bed at least at 5 AM, and I could tell you that definitely contributes a lot to the “procrastination” the other day, it’ll just keep increasing over time. so just get some sleep, log off ROBLOX or even play some games like the good ole days instead of developing. Refresh your mind and come back healthy.


I would recommend focusing on a somewhat simple game idea and just immediately get the basic game mechanics done. Try challenging yourself to get the basic game (if it’s round based, a couple of maps and the main game mode) done in one day. That’s what I did with my game and one month later I’m basically done with a full, semi-complex game (shop, lots of features, more maps, etc.)

Don’t try making a front page game immediately; just start with a simple idea and flesh it out, and challenge yourself to create that simple idea as fast as possible. Also, always keep in mind why you started making games.


MightTea my good friend, did I not already state that for the past half year I have been resting and only working occasionally for short periods of time?

Unfortunately I can’t see where you said that? I may have interpreted it incorrectly, but hey! i’m just trying to give a hand

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I want. to make. good games. in the. pleasure of. myself.

To marvel at my creations and the uncanny resemblance of my past memories i can barely recall now put in an explorable and interactable universe

To be overwhelmed by the cooperation of other people. To marvel at the infrastructure and order. A civilisation and people of the people’s democratic union of the people’s democratic republic of korblox war for the planet of the apes

amazement and embezlement of the vocabulary an interesting mind of a scholarly pursuits to create a new union for my future children and family

an interesting approach to bohemianism only that i have now acquired materialism but in a form of my own sense of use and interest as a way of performing a duties of the common sense of the seventh silver heaven of king theoden in lord of the rings saved by the lord frodo baggins which whom pursued by his friend samwise the chicken elf of the garden gnomes of pewdiepie lord saviour of the people’s democratic republic of korea to be destroyed by the imperialistic american regime in all order of propoganda to bring elimination to individuality of the people’s pickle knowing one in owne’d people’s grammar republic of bananas in the cuban sense of individiaulistity people’s knowing kunming of yunnan province of china very close but not quite to thailand which is china and india and cambodia buddhist military government regime re

If you enjoy doing the work then it won’t be difficult to focus. Just like enjoying to play games, people don’t usually procrastinate in that because it’s fun.

If you don’t enjoy it, it’s boring hard work, etc… well what can I say. If you really want to have fun playing your own games in the future, you need to put the work in. It really depends on how much you want to attain a goal, because the way you describe it - it doesn’t sound like you are desperate to achieve it.

I know a lot of this may sound very repetitive of other people, and I’m sorry in advance. I’m also no professional, just a fellow upcoming developer trying to help out others where I can.

Almost all developers lose motivation at some point, and that’s totally fine to do. I think the problem might be this:

You’re still thinking about the game repetitively, and that’s why you keep coming back constantly, even if it is for short periods. I would recommend, as MightTea stated earlier, a break. A real break. Not just thinking about the game, picking up a new hobby for a week, something that completely turns your mind from the game. For me, that’s what seems would be best in this scenario.

You can feel free to take it whatever way you like, but above all else, don’t give up if you really think you can do this eventually. Try to keep in mind why you’re making the games when you do come back, and hope that your motivation repairs itself.

Again, I’m not a professional in any path of psychology, but I feel more often than not people go through this, and hopefully this helps somewhat.

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Finishing projects is a skill. Like any skill, you can practice and train to get better at it. I’d suggest giving yourself a small limited time with a specific goal. I like to do short gamejams. I let the quality go as much as I can and focus solely on completing the project by the deadline. If I like the project afterwards, I will have all the time in the world to work on the quality.

See if you can make a project or two, each with just an hour. :muscle: :trophy:


I was in that too, i have just come out of it. For the last months i have been also having no motivation, i came out of it by taking a 1-2 month break just relaxing and playing games with friends. I think the reason that your half a year break didn’t work was cause you were constantly stressing maybe? Or you were constantly thinking about making games.

Take a break without stressing or trying to come up with ideas, just have fun. And just forget that roblox studio even exist, you stated that in your break you sometimes used to work on games, don’t do that. I played on a minecraft realm with some friends as a break. And when i came back i was full of motivation.

Just a suggestion, it might not work for you but it is atleast worth trying.

See, I don’t have any real friends.
Nobody likes me, I’m unpopular, and all of my friends on ROBLOX and discord either ignore me, don’t know who I am, or rarely ever come online

So that’s crossed out.

@iiBobaPotato I get what you mean, but I just can’t stop thinking about working on my game, but at the same time I don’t want to work on it.

I’m in a confusing mental state. That is why I will babble.

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Mikael gorbachev is a predacessor to the mreme sht elalalaa

I am confusion

I want to learn trigonometry and vector physics and better and roblox more code composing but the the liabiliesi far outweigh the possibilititiyitys
king kong 1998

freedom fighters
акуувщь ашпреукы ща еру ьштштп скфае акщь еру срштп срщтп ща еру цштп цщтп икгр икгр вштп вщтп ща ф цштп цщтп ща ф дштп дщтп ьштп ьщтп

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singleplayer games is not fun !

very hard to fine good game nowaday !

ronblock is getting boring !

must find good game !

but new features ? why bugs there no fix thing then excitemented makess me happy !

but there is no excitement now, but i know the things …

There’s wills be hard to find friends on roblox !

many are ignorant toddlers, dont know social value .

they do not make friend with stranger, because they are too young !

only friend with their age group in real life .

but knowing the them take long time , have cringe …

good frind is rare to find .

many friende i find frmo 2016-2017 …

2018 - 2020 the people have become uninterested in roblox .

roblox friend now reserve to young children who lack morale and social responsibilitiy !

sometime , i do meeting the good peoples, but they refusal to friend me as they are know the same thing that i do - the generic comunity on roblocks have become degeneracy !

they don’t want do thing make game, that sort of stuff

only play game and hinder their life in social media

they are normie , way of speech “and i oop-” “tik tok” “kim kardashian” there interst is not the my the age , is very young people .

many game on roblox is boring repetitive

many game use same formula,

they is being a simulators ,

many game have botte, or the player base is too young to know how to speak !

many is noob, very rare encounter those who join before 2018

very hard to find hidden gem , because of roblox terrible game page !

always same game s, no new game

good game is lumber tycoon , theme park tycoon 2, but it same thing . i stuck in procrastination loop because my tycoon in those game require alot of thing to do , but i too lazy to do .

many hard decision conundrum to make , that is why i do this loop ihn first place

i have many mental conditions - ocd and autism diagnose

my ocd get progressively worst , but i think is good concioisness, impossible to rid of

i am confusion as to but i want good life n furture but is good hard to bring possibility

Try maybe playing a singleplayer game then? There are tons of singleplayer games out there, or get some actual good friends. There are tons of discord servers just for people wanting friends.

Things on top of things on top of things to do.

First my discord server got hacked, and this server is imperative to my work.

I haven’t gotten around to fixing it fully, as it housed over 130 channels and over 30 roles with over 100 members and channels with messages from more than a year ago

All of them the bot had access to fully deleted or filled with spam.

Then I had to transfer my data from old to new computer, which arrived at the december of 2019, yet I still haven’t gotten around to transfering it.

The deadline I was given by my parents was two weeks, but it’s been more than seven months.

The pressure of finishing the game and then finishing other projects and working on them was given before the december of last year.

I was supposed to finish the game on january,

By now I still haven’t finished half of the game I was supposed to finish by january.

Please understand, I have lost so much motivation, and I have so many things to do. I’m breaking from inside out.

And there is so, so much more planning ahead of me. I destined myself to finish all these things before I turned 13.

But here I am, 13 and one month old, still procrastinating on Youtube videos and writing on this forum.

I also tend to waste my time on purpose on other projects just for the sake of stalling.

I’m really super messy.

I can’t do anything on time.

I even started learning russian and making minecraft mods in this amount of time.

Yet I can’t not finish my project, it’s one of my many life goals.

And it’s not because of this quarantine.

I was forced to go on a 16 day business trip with my parents, and I was excited as first thinking it would clear my head a bit.

I was wrong. I was stuck inside of the crappy tiny hotel 95% of the time wasting away on my little small iPad screen. I was yearning to go home.

And now I’m back home, back in the same cycle I was before the trip.