How to pick a random player and assign a role to him

I am embarrassed that I don’t know this but well it is what it is basically

how do I randomly select a player and then assign any role to it? much as like the game murder mystery it takes a player and assign a murder / sheriff role to it

I have made a script but it dosen’t work when there’s no players in the session i tried putting a PlayerAdded function but the problem is that I only want to select one player and when I have inserted the PlayerAdded it ran the math.random function everytime a player joins and thats a massive problem

but here is the script anyways

	local playerTable = game.Players:GetPlayers()

	local randomPlayer = playerTable[math.random(1, #playerTable)] -- selects the random player

	print(randomPlayer) -- prints the selected player name

and by the way its a script not a local script and it is in the serverscriptservice

If the script you’ve given works, this is how you do it

Make a script, in which it picks the random player(already done here). Then, try getting the players humanoid. Then, add an attribute such as Murderer, Sherrif to the humanoid, and so forth, and add a true or false value

This is how you add an attribute

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good, I will try this method thanks for the help

you need to make an intermission system and periodically start the round, here’s the pseudocode:

-- server script
local waitTime = 15
local minPlayer = 2

while task.wait(waitTime) do
  if #players < minPlayer then continue end

  -- select random player
  -- give the role

For some reason the intermission script you made dosent work idk why?

Using this should help

local randomplr = {}
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())
table.insert(randomplr, v)

then just get a random person from table

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It’s because Sussy used “return” in the while loop, which does not really give the desired effect.

Here is something simple that you could use:

local RequiredPlayers = 2
while true do
	-- Intermission
	local CurrentPlayers = 0
		CurrentPlayers = #game.Players:GetPlayers()
	until CurrentPlayers >= RequiredPlayers 
	-- Wait before teleporting
	-- Teleport (just a example)

THANK YOU I’ve been trying to figure out that exact script for hours and yet haven’t found the clear solution for it until you came appreciate it and appreciate all the other people in this thread who have tried to help me

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hey i got a small problem here

local PlayersInSession = game.Players:GetChildren() -- players
local players = game.Players 

local RequiredPlayers = 1

while true do
	wait(5)	-- Intermission
	local CurrentPlayers = 0
		print("Not enough players in session to star the round")
		CurrentPlayers = #game.Players:GetPlayers()
	until CurrentPlayers >= RequiredPlayers 
	print("selecting seeker")

	local RandomPlayer = PlayersInSession[math.random(1,#PlayersInSession)]

	print(RandomPlayer) -- picked player


my problem is that this error pops up when the randomplayer runs

ServerScriptService.GameplayScripts.Script:19: invalid argument #2 to ‘random’ (interval is empty)

from what i understood the problem is that the random player variable runs before the players spawn in the game and i dont know how to delay it maybe iam just wrong but i dont know

never mind a simple solution but i dont think it will be affecting in the actual game would be that i just put a wait(15) until alll players spawn in thats it

can you conclude the part where it randomly select a player?

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