How to pick a random player from game.Players in a module script?

How do I get the Nextnteger to pick a random player from game.Players?
This is a module script btw

The error message I got from this module is: ServerScriptService.Script.GiveRole:5: attempt to get length of a Instance value

function module.ChooseCEO(player)
    local random =
    local chooseCEO = player[random:NextInteger(1, #game.Players)]
    local SV ="StringValue")
    SV.Parent = player
    SV.Name = "CEO"
    return chooseCEO

return module```

try local chooseCEO = #game.Players:GetChildren()[random:NextInteger(1, #game.Players:GetChildren())]

Tried it, heres the error I got:

ServerScriptService.Script.GiveRole:5: attempt to get length of a Instance value

Wait what did you mean to pass with player?

This is my approach if I were in your situation.

local selectedPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #game.Players:GetPlayers())]

This gets a random player in the server. Replace game.Players:GetPlayers() with the table you wish to pick players from (If I understand your problem right)

I would use GetService() but I’m on mobile and I’m too lazy to type that

Neat! It worked! Thanks for the help man!

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