I have multiple values listed in a table, and each have their own “Rarity” property. The rarity is measured in percent, so 30 would be 30/100 or 30%. I want to make a spin system, but I want to know how to make a picker which analyzes each rarity and then picks after analyzing. I want it so there’s a higher chance of getting something with a higher rarity compared to something with a lower rarity. Here’s what my table looks like. As you can probably tell, it’s in a local script:
local function getRandom(table)
local random = math.random(1, 100)
local total = 0
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
total += v.Rarity
if random <= total then
return v.Ability
return nil
When the total is added 30 for the first iteration, you have a 30% chance of being lower than 30
for the next iteration, you have a 20% chance of being lower than 50 and more than 30,
and so on
Hey. I altered your script a little to match my game. Here’s what it looks like:
local spincache = {
{ Ability = "A", Rarity = 1 },
{ Ability = "B", Rarity = 5 },
{ Ability = "C", Rarity = 5 },
{ Ability = "D", Rarity = 5 },
{ Ability = "E", Rarity = 20 },
{ Ability = "F", Rarity = 20 },
{ Ability = "G", Rarity = 20 },
{ Ability = "H", Rarity = 20 },
{ Ability = "I", Rarity = 60 },
{ Ability = "J", Rarity = 60 },
{ Ability = "K", Rarity = 100 },
{ Ability = "L", Rarity = 100 }
local function getRandom(table)
local random = math.random(0, 100)
local total = 0
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
total = v.Rarity
if random <= total then
return v.Ability
return nil
This script mostly works, but the problem is that it goes through each thing in the table by the order of the table. This means that if I have 20 things with the same rarity, only the first thing in the table will be picked. How can I fix this?
local function getTotalPercentage(table)
local total = 0
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
total += v
return total
local function getRandom(table)
local random = math.random(1, getTotalPercentage(table))
local total = 0
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
total += v.Rarity
if random <= total then
return v.Ability
return nil
if you want to ignore the percentage, then do this
Alright, thank you. I’m extremely new to tables, hence such a basic question being asked on the original topic. I also forgot a lot of the stuff I used to know because of a year long break from developing.