How to place a Username in a textbox to change a Dummy into the Username's avatar as the Dummy Appearance?

Is there a way to get a textbox and place a username in the textbox and it changes a dummy appearance to the username in the textbox, it’s probably easy to do but I have no clue how to do it.

Don’t write an entire script for me because I want to learn.

Just tell me some key points.


I think you can do this with HumanoidDescription? I’m not sure though

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Roblox provides a service that can load information about a character’s appearance by doing the following:

local appearanceModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(userId)
appearanceModel.Parent = game.Workspace

You would just have to get the player’s ID to load as an argument. It will then fetch that user’s custom avatar information such as hats, clothes, etc… Then, you could implement some logic together to attach them onto a dummy model in your world.

For the textbox portion, you could use Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync

If you want the dummy model to reflect a change to the whole server, you would have to use a RemoteFunction or RemoteEvent and have the logic executed on a server script. If not, just execute the code locally on the client’s machine.