How to popularize my projects?

Sorry if this is the wrong topic I don’t know what to put this under but.

I was wondering how to popularize my game, after working for months on multiple projects i get 0 players sometimes maybe 5 for like 10 minutes at most then it dies again unless its my friends playing it. Any help would be really nice but thanks :smiley: (Yes I know ads exist but its pretty expensive to get more then 10 players from ads)


Put this is game design support

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Also advertise your games that’s how or post on social media

It’s pretty hard to get noticed on most the only social media that isn’t pretty hard that I could think of would be something like tiktok.

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Yes! TikTok has an amazing algorithm and could completly blow your game up.

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You really won’t get as much traction from the site itself unless you use ads. It’s really hard to gain traction on the site for any period of time unless you happen to get lucky with an algorithm, run good ads, or a content creator picks up your game for a video.


So how do you do it, just starting out in your point of view if ads are not effective enough? I’m interested to know.

Marketing your game on social media’s usually gets you an audience if the content is interesting from what i’ve seen.

Well, maybe. Made a advertisement on ROBLOX as banner which’s looks good, if you can’t make it. Ask someone else to do it for certain amount of robux. And make sure the advertisement banner doesn’t looks too weird or cringe. Also, try advertise your game in Discord servers that are for ROBLOX developers. I hope, i helped you!

You could always just sponsor your game.

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True but i think not much people going by this way.

Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesnt, it all just depends.

Ads+game trailer = successful.

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