How to position a player's limb

I’m working on a handcuff system that is supposed to make it look like the player is handcuffed (Arms in a certain position). I tried this with an animation, but it only seemed to play half way. How can I fix this or what other ways can I use to achieve my goal?

show us the script so we can see

local RemoteEvent = script.Parent:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

function PlayerCuffed(Player, Target)
	local IsPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent)
	if Target.Name == "Torso" or Target.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" and IsPlayer ~= nil then
		local Char = Target.Parent
		local Humanoid = Char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		if Humanoid then
			local Anim = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ArrestPlayer")
			local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)


can u show where the animation stops?

Did you upload the animation with the “Action” priority? If you used another, it may be getting interference from other animations.

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I’m stupid, what is the “Action priority”?

its used to make roblox know which anim to play first there are

Idle is recommended

see this to confirm this

In the dummy, set the “keyframesSequence” to “Action”. It’s one of its properties.

Change “Core” to any of the “Action” priorities.

maybe its the animation aka how u made it?

Animation has no Length . It will end as soon as it begins.

then use cframe! get the motor6ds of the arm and use cframe to position it
heres a example

local rightarmmotor = char:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder",true)
local cf = rightarmmotor.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(22.5),math.rad(-120),0)
rightarmmotor.C0 = cf
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pretty sure that if that happens the anim wont play at all and in the video it plays but half way but yea kinda true as he didnt even made it loop

Maybe. I’d give at least half a second.

yea maybe idk much abt animations

I honestly don’t understand a single thing of what you did here.

so what i did here is this

local rightarmmotor = char:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder",true) -- i got the players arm motor 6d
local cf = rightarmmotor.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(22.5),math.rad(-120),0) -- i postioned it using cframe
rightarmmotor.C0 = cf -- i applied it
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I suggest changing the Animation to one of the “Action” priorities as well as looping the animation by toggling this button,

After that you should be able to just re-upload the animation and use it.

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Whenever I try to publish the animation roblox automaticly sets it to core.