How to position Character 3D Clothing Model Properly?

Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a great day.

How do I properly position a 3D Clothing Model to be inside the character? I am having alot of trouble with this and I dont know why or how to do such a thing.

My attempt ^^

Heres the character file incase someone wants to try:
Character_1.rbxl (146.5 KB)

the reason the torsos dont line up is probably because their piviots arent in the same place.

I’ll see what I can do with the file you provided

the clothes don’t completely cover the rig

so I just made the rig transparent and welded the clothing to the transparent parts.

as for lining up the rig to the model I did what you did except I moved it so it was actually aligned with the clothes.

If you lower in increments it makes making adjustments easier.


the legs arnet moving ((not sure why ,made this quick)) but if it helps
Rig.rbxm (109.1 KB)

(you could also just rig the clothing and replace the head)

Try accessories out, might be a good solution.

Like Fenveer mentioned, accessories may be a good place to start, but the advice below will probably work with welds too and be more straight forward.

You’ll have to go back into your 3D modeling program and separate the meshparts like this:

This will make it easier for the meshes to bend at the elbows, knees and lower torso. If you’re going to use R6, disregard!

:star: Tip: It would be helpful to make sure your meshes spawn exactly where you want them on your rig from the start:

  • In Studio, move your rig to the position 0,0,0.
  • Right click on the rig again and hit “Export Selection”.
  • In Blender, import this rig into your scene and build your clothing on top. The pieces should be exactly where you want them.
  • Hit “CTRL A” (or open the Apply menu) and hit “All Transforms” so your pieces all have the same pivot point
  • Export your clothing from Blender and import “With location” into Roblox Studio.

[Image is the Apply menu in Blender program]

From here you can choose to either weld them to the body parts or make them accessories. Roblox has an accessory creator plugin built in, but this one by StickMasterLuke is simpler to use

  • Open the plugin and follow the instructions, selecting the mesh first, rig second, and the appropriate attachment point.
  • You’ll probably want to try a few of the attachment options to see which ones will sit on the rig best. Here’s some of my suggestions:
    Torso: BodyBackAttachment
    UpperArm: LeftShoulderAttachment
    Lower Arm: LeftGrip
    Lower Torso: WaistCenterAttachment

For Upper Legs I’d suggest using the built-in accessory creator, or maybe replacing the MeshID of an already created accessory - Switch out the attachment name, and aligning it with the rig/rig’s attachment point to make sure it sits where it’s supposed to.

I hope this information is helpful in your development!

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