Hey, so basically i have a camera, when i change it’s CFrame instantiniously for example near terrain. The terrain is still unrendered correctly, it takes a little bit of time to adjust to the new camera position. is there a way to pre render that place before teleporting the camera so the player won’t see the terrain rendered with a bad details? Thanks in advance!
I don’t believe that’s the case. I could certainly be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the LoD is based upon Camera.Focus, so you can move that CFrame around in order to cause it to update particular areas.
I think you could set the focus one frame ahead of the actual camera CFrame, so that when you teleport the LoD will have at least started prior to the teleport.
When a lot of games teleport, there’s a loading screen. Are those loading screens related to this? I guess what I’m trying to ask is, is there a way to determine when the terrain has finished loading after you set the camera focus?
Also, sorry if I’m asking too many questions, but wouldn’t setting the player’s ReplicationFocus work for this too?
Well loading screens is used in the beginning to load roblox assets assets beforehand so the player won’t see weird empty baseplate especially if the game uses heavily Meshes, Textures (decals) and Sounds.
But in my case it’s a cutscene. the only thing is that LOD is getting controlled by the camera CFrame in the world. Which means when i change that position instantly. The game don’t have enough time to adjust before the user notice it. But I’ll check the things about the focus, it could be helpful.