The issue seem to appear on mostly low end mobile devices. Players on mobile can end of stuck in the floor from a simple jump. Their animation becomes stuck in a freefall animation while they are stuck
I have outer box enabled
One work around I’ve found is to cast rays to detect if they are stuck in the ground but it isnt 100% effect and I’d like to get to root of the issue.
If you have encountered this issue and have found a solution, please let me know.
Can’t you use a region3 instead of a raycast, and then use the workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList as the character to find if there are any parts that are inside of the region3. I think it would be more reliable than a raycast
You can check how long they’ve been falling for (with the humanoid state changed function) then you can just respawn them somewhere near where they were stuck (maybe create waypoints to check which waypoint is closest to the player, and then spawn them there.)