How to prevent places from showing up on profile after player teleports there

Sorry, I don’t know how to word the title. When I released my demo, there was 4 places the player teleported to, and they all showed up in their recently played section

How do I make it so that the place is public, but when the player is teleported there, it does not show up. I know this is possible, I just don’t know how to do it. Thanks!

If you didn’t know, you can create sub places on a main place. That way, it’s more sorted and it’s efficient.

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Hun, neat. How would I do this?

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Thanks. I’ll check it out Serg

It seems I can’t add already existing games to it, only new ones

Thats odd…

Can you send your teleport code?

K. I think I may have found the problem, but I don’t know yet
local telePart = script.Parent
local TeleportService = game:GetService(‘TeleportService’)
local placeID = 8233170935
–replace this part
local canTeleport = true

local function otherGame(otherPart)

local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name)

if player and canTeleport then

	canTeleport = false

	TeleportService:Teleport(placeID, player)

	wait(15) --cooldown time

	canTeleport = true




Send me the game link. I want to test this.

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I won’t be able to respond for a few hours. Sorry