How to prevent RopeConstraint from swinging back and forward

I’m having a problem with my RopeConstraint. I want it to drop purely in the water and kinda stay there (let the lure flow with the water naturally) but I don’t know why it’s doing this swinging effect.

local function CreateLure(fishingRod)
	local Lure ='Part')
	Lure.BrickColor ='Light orange')
	Lure.CanCollide = false
	Lure.Shape = 'Ball'
	Lure.Size =, 0.5, 0.5)
	local Attachment ='Attachment')
	local Rope ='RopeConstraint')
	Rope.Thickness = 0.05
	Rope.Visible = true
	Rope.Length = 15
	Rope.Attachment0 = fishingRod.Top.Attachment
	Rope.Attachment1 = Attachment
	Rope.Parent = Lure
	Attachment.Parent = Lure
	return Lure

local function Start(fishingSpot)
	-- Check if player has fishing rod
	local FishingRod = Character:FindFirstChild('Fishing Rod')
	if not FishingRod then return end
	local CharacterCFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
	local Lure = CreateLure(FishingRod)
    -- Spawn Lure few studs infront of player (so it drops straight into water)
	Lure.CFrame = CharacterCFrame +, 0, -5)
	Lure.Parent = FishingRod
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It’s most likely due to your lure having too much velocity and dropping down from its mass, causing it to swing. Try making the lure have more weight to it so the rope doesn’t make it swing.

How do I add weight to a part? O_o

Three pages that should help you figure that one out.

Problem is adding more weight to the lure would mean it won’t float on the water. I need the lure to still float on water

Oh, I see. Apologies, I didn’t see that from the start.

Your lure swinging like that has nothing to do with its mass but rather the fact that you have collisions disabled for it. Water, let alone terrain itself, is still a collidable entity and if you don’t have collisions on for a part entering the water, it won’t collide with the water, thus not float.

Take a look at this sample video. I drop two parts in the water, one with collisions (green) and one without them (red). Watch what happens (without watching: only the green one floats).

Are CollisionGroups or NoCollisionConstraints viable here at all? It depends on what you don’t want the lure to collide with. Lures may need to be isolated into their own group as well as terrain so you can have lures only collide with terrain but nothing else.

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