I’m having problems with my interiors getting sun spots on the floor because my walls and roof have CastShadows disalbed. I disabled this property as it became too much of a hassle to light up rooms evenly (I wanted the whole room and every inch of the room to maintain a consistent brightness) However I get these sun spots on the floor.
Another problem I face is when the time goes to night, the rooms become really dark. Are there any solutions for lighting a room completely without having spots in the room darker/brighter.
The reason is pretty simple and it has to do with physics (reflections).
I guess you used “smoothPlastic” as the floor under right?
What happens if you use smooth materials is they act like a mirror and reflect it perfectly. If you put concrete under it won’t reflect it perfectly instead the rough concrete will spread the light beams into all directions and you won’t be able to see the sun.
How to fix it?
Basically either play with the reflection thing in properties or do what I said above ^ which is changing it to either plastic or even concrete if needed. The texture doesn’t matter when it comes to this.
For the second problem you basically have to add a surface light. And modify it so it fits perfect.