How to prevent terrain from changing on a slope?

Me and my team have been working on a space game lately and we want to use terrain for the planets, but the problem is that the terrain changes into a different terrain type when on a slope.
For example: Grass turns into Mud above a certain slope angle.

Repainting the terrain also doesn’t fix this.

Is there any way to bypass this? Does anyone maybe have a plugin?

Thanks in advance!

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What you could do is create a new grass material (im guessing the planet you got there uses the grass material) and set it to override the original material, it should use the entire grass material across the entire sphere and not just the top half. It’s not a perfect solution but hopefully it might help.

Here’s an example of a fresh new grass material applied to terrain:


Would you mind sharing the material? Looks really neat to me.

Sorry for the somewhat late response, but i was using this material for that grass.
Grass.rbxm (849 Bytes)
You can also find it as the first result when looking for materials on the toolbox.

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