How to program this (platformer element)

Hey there,
I recently played a game called “Super Skyward Towers” and found out that some features were amazing, but I always fail to try & reproduce them.

I always try to find the proper approach but struggles because of the lack of documentation on all that (or simply because I don’t make good researches)

Here is what I would like to end with:

As you can see, the mechanic is really stable, and I wanted to know if you would need to actually rework the whole character handle, movement scripts, … to make such mechanic work.

Thanks for reading, and the potential help,

You could go about this by using raycasts or, if you want designated walls for climbing, use parts.

For the gravity you could always just use attachments n such, and always just make the attachment go down till the player eventually reaches the ground, which could be checked with floor material.