Hello, im making a script to change the player hair by a customized hair, im having so many problems on localizing the hair in the player head theres the script i have made
i’ll be showing a video of the localizing problem bellow
local newPlayerHair = game.ReplicatedStorage.Parts.GokuHair:Clone()
-- Localizing the current player hair --
local playerHair = getPlayerHair(character:GetChildren())
-- Destroying the current player hair to replace with my hair acessory --
-- Aplying and localizing the player hair --
local playerHair2 = getPlayerHair(character:GetChildren())
local PlayerHair2Mesh = playerHair2.Handle:WaitForChild('Mesh')
playerHair2.Handle.Position = playerHair2.Handle.Position - Vector3.new(-0.25, -0.25, 0.3)
playerHair2.Handle.Orientation = playerHair2.Handle.Orientation + Vector3.new(0, 155, 0)
PlayerHair2Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.07, 0.055, 0.075)
newPlayerHair.Parent = character