How to properly make loading menu

If you are running into a problem when on game start textures and meshes are missing, some animations not playing and sound delaying, this tutorial will help you!



In this tutorial i will explain right use of ContentProvider, and how to make loading menu with it.

Step 1

  • Create a new folder in ReplicatedFirst. It’s a perfect place for storing assets that must be loaded firstly.

  • Create more folders in new folder for different asset types. As example Sounds, Animations and Images

  • Put needed assets into each folder that you want load first. You dont have to put all assets used in game.

Step 2

  • Create a new ScreenGui in StarterGui, make sure to disable ResetOnSpawn and Enabled property. Enable IgnoreGuiInset property

  • Design UI in your way. In the end of tutorial there will be full game file to make sure you did everything right.

Step 3

  • Create a new LocalScript inside UI.

  • Get needed services

local contentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local replicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")
  • Create dictionary of ClassNames that can be preloaded. Used dictionary because keys faster than table.find
local preloadableClassnames = {
	Decal = true,
	Sound = true,
	Animation = true,
	ParticleEmitter = true,
	Beam = true,
	Trail = true,
	Texture = true,
	ImageLabel = true,
	ImageButton = true,
	MeshPart = true,
	SpecialMesh = true,
	SurfaceApperance = true,
	Shirt = true,
	Pants = true,
  • Now we need to filter everything that should be preloaded.
local toPreload = {}

local count = 0 -- Counts how much assets have been loaded
local loaded = false -- Boolean that says if we finished loading

local workspaceContent = workspace:GetDescendants()
local replicatedFirstContent = replicatedFirst:GetDescendants()

table.move(replicatedFirstContent, 1, #replicatedFirstContent, #workspaceContent + 1, workspaceContent) -- Combines content of Workspace and ReplicatedFirst into single table

for i, v in workspaceContent do -- Loop threw combined content
	if preloadableClassnames[v.ClassName] then -- Check thats content is preloadable
		table.insert(toPreload, v) -- Insert content into final table
  • Add a function preloadAsset. It will be called to preload one asset.
local function preloadAsset(asset: Instance)
	count += 1

PreloadAsync is a ContentProvider method, that takes table of Instances as first argument and the engine attempts to load these assets from Roblox. It’s yielding, so count will be increased as soon it preloaded.

  • Now make a function for starting preloading assets. First loop preloads all filtered assets in own threads. Second loop waits until game is loaded and all assets preloaded. You can add own checking into loop, as example waiting for player data from DataStore
local function Preload()
	for i, v in toPreload do
		task.spawn(preloadAsset, v)
	while count < #toPreload and not game:IsLoaded() do
	loaded = true
	print("All assets got loaded!") -- Debug


Step 4

  • Now connect your UI to code. Define variables of your UI. They might be different if you made own UI.
local gui = script.Parent
local loadingBar = gui.LoadingBar.Inner
local percentageLabel = gui.PercentLabel
  • Enable UI as soon game starts.
gui.Enabled = true

  • Now modify preloadAsset function
local function preloadAsset(asset: Instance)
	count += 1
	local ratio = count	 / #toPreload
	loadingBar.Size = UDim2.fromScale(ratio, 1)

	percentageLabel.Text = math.floor(ratio * 100) .. "%"
  • Make that Preload function disables UI as soon it finished loading.
local function Preload()
	for i, v in toPreload do
		task.spawn(preloadAsset, v)
	while count < #toPreload or not game:IsLoaded() do
	loaded = true
	gui.Enabled = false

And there we go, it preloading assets.

If you got any problem or questions, let me know. There is rbxl file of this game to make sure you did everything right.
LoadingMenu.rbxl (9.9 MB)


Very good tutorial, thanks for the information, most of the ones you can find on YouTube are faking it or making it load too slow.


Very good tutorial, is the best! And with some edit’ing is super! :smiley: