How to publish a plugin

Hello I have this plugin called Ez monetization. It simplifies making gamepasses for people and is
especially helpful to devs who cant script but want to quickly set up a game with monetization.

I am having some trouble publishing the plugin. The plugin has both scripts that I want to insert inside the game and a script called “Plugin code” which is the code for the plugin.

Right now, I have these contents of the plugin:

I am confused on how I publish the plugin. Do I right click on the folder or the script? does the folder have to be inside of the script (like modules) I need to use the content in those folders and stuff

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Click Save To Roblox. I think it might export as a script, though
edit: Oops, publish as plugin by selecting it all with CTRL+Mouse1click so you can select it. To be faster, do Shift+click

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I know I press publish as a plugin I am just not sure what part to publish. When I tried publishing the entire folder all the scripts inside my plugin (the ones meant to run in game not in studio) ran. but when I published the script it didnt know what I was referencing when I said thing like script.parent.parent.EZMonetizationGUI.

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Read the edits I made, it should help out

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like I said I already know I press publish as a plugin, I dont know what part to publish though.

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All of it? I haven’t tried yet

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maybe I publish all of it but have the scripts meant to run in-game be disabled then I renable it in the plugin code and distribute it to the playergui section

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You can disable the scripts that are meant to run in a game instance until they are run in a game instance by using RunService:IsEdit() and RunService:IsRunMode() to detect if it’s in edit mode or run mode.
You can do whatever you want from there - Just have a handler script that does the detections and enables whichever scripts are meant to be run from what mode.

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My plugin is a plugin that monetizes peoples games for them. It interacts with the actual server (not roblox studio) quite often. The only way for me to interact with the actual server is if I distribute script objects in different areas. (such as a script that manages the sales or a script that manages prompting items to be bought)

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so like game:GetService(“RunService”):IsEdit()? its not auto filling

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IsEdit documentation:

IsRunMode documentation:

They likely aren’t auto-filling due to them being plugin-privileged.

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Okay I got it to work. I am just fixing some bugs and I will be able to release it. I have spent many hours on it so I hope people enjoy using it!

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Remember to mark the reply as the solution so people are able to know what the fix was.

I’m glad that I was able to be of assistance. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Apologies, didn’t realize you fixed your own problem

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Thank you for the help! Your reply was useful for me with my code. I would mark it as a solution but it was not the answer for my post question. I ended up figuring that out on my own so I want to make sure people looking for answers get relevant information.

Still, thank you very much for the help! you were helpful outside of the post

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