Presumably you’re on about DataStores. DataStores are shared with all Places within a Game (Universe), but they cannot be shared outside of the game or exported. You’d have to use HttpService and create your own solution for data storage if you wanted to share between games (or make use of existing ones, such as Trello - [Referral link] (not recommended) or Airtable - [Referral link]).
The player-move-region function will move the player to a place created by the game via a template.
The template will read out the data like so:
local name = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name
if Novah.get_module('data-store')._ggetdatakey(name) ~= nil then
print('detected new region!')
if game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() then
Probably a really bad example of how this can be done, but this is the only time I’ve used cross-place data sharing.