How to put a SurfaceGUI on a Part after it get Cloned

A part(inside a Tool) is in replicatedStorage and get Cloned and put into players Backpack,
A SurfaceGui in StarterGui wich needs to be visible on the cloned part that is in a players Backpack

I tried and it only works when u pickup the Tool wich was located in Workspace, then the Gui got perfectly on the part put when cloned from rep storage it wont work
Screenshot 2024-12-22 162456
Screenshot 2024-12-22 162527

appreciate help

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Instead of getting the SurfaceGui in StarterGui, try getting it in PlayerGui, like so:

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local partClone = replicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Tool"):Clone()
partClone.Parent = player.Backpack

local gui = player.PlayerGui.SurfaceGui
gui.Adornee = PartClone

make sure ResetOnSpawn is set to true for the SurfaceGui, that should allow the script to work, hopefully this helps.

yea I also realized it before but thanks

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no problem, you’ve earned two coefficients!! :coefficients: :coefficients:

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