How in the WORLD do you put the character into a folder when they spawn in? I’ve tried firing a remote event when a player joins then trying to move the character into the folder.
I can’t find any resource for this simple task?
How in the WORLD do you put the character into a folder when they spawn in? I’ve tried firing a remote event when a player joins then trying to move the character into the folder.
I can’t find any resource for this simple task?
clone that character when the player joins in; put the cloned character on the folder. is that what you mean?
I made a folder in the workspace and I want the characters parent to be that folder.
You don’t want a cloned character then? also if you really just want the original character to be parented on that folder; just make the original character archivable set to true, cause in the first place when player respawn/joins their character archivable property are set to false making it not able to acessed
How would a cloned character be beneficial? Also thank you
Well, just to make it so the player can control their original character? unless the folder was parented on workspace…