How to put Particles on Humanoid Arms and Head *SOLVED*

Hello devs! this is my 2nd topic about how to put Particles On Humanoid arms and Head. I got my script but the script doesnt give any erros, but also doesnt work. how i can fix that?

my avatar is R6

Im doing this by Touched event

my script is (This script is from my last topic)

local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)

	local Particle = ServerStorage.kills115
	local Character = script.Parent

	local ValidParts = {
	"Right Arm"

	for i, child in ipairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if table.find(ValidParts, child.Name) then
			local newParticle = Particle:Clone()
			newParticle.Parent = child

If it isn’t giving any errors, check the particle. Is it enabled?

its enabled, i dont know why this is happening.

local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)

local Particle = ServerStorage.kills115
local Character = script.Parent

local ValidParts = {
    "Right Arm",
    "Left Arm",

for i, child in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
    if ValidParts[child.Name] then
        print("found in table")
		local newParticle = Particle:Clone()
		newParticle.Parent = child

Try this script, see if it prints anything.

it prints but doesnt give the particle

Mind sending screenshots of the particle’s properties?

since i dont know how to screenshot on pc, i will say the important properties:

Enabled = true

Archivable = true

LocketToPart = true

local Particle = ServerStorage.kills115

Is Particle a ParticleEmitter, or a part with a ParticleEmitter inside of it?

I need all properties.

only ParticleEmitter, i can show properties too if you want.


Brightness = 1

LightEmission = 1

LightInfluence = 0.75

Orietation = Facing Camera

Size = NumberSequnce

Squash = 0

Transparency = NumberSequnce

ZOffset -1.85

Name = kills115

Parent = ServerStorage

EmissionDirection = Top

Enabled = true

Lifetime = 0.5

Rate = 105

Rotation = -360 360

RotSpeed = -80 80

Speed = 2

SpreadAngle = 80 -80

Shape = Box

ShapeInOut = Outward

ShapeStyle = Volume

Acceleration = 0, 8, 0

Drag = 5.5

TimeScale = 1

VelocityInheritance = 1.25

Thats everything