Hello devs! this is my 2nd topic about how to put Particles On Humanoid arms and Head. I got my script but the script doesnt give any erros, but also doesnt work. how i can fix that?
my avatar is R6
Im doing this by Touched event
my script is (This script is from my last topic)
local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)
local Particle = ServerStorage.kills115
local Character = script.Parent
local ValidParts = {
"Right Arm"
for i, child in ipairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
if table.find(ValidParts, child.Name) then
local newParticle = Particle:Clone()
newParticle.Parent = child
local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)
local Particle = ServerStorage.kills115
local Character = script.Parent
local ValidParts = {
"Right Arm",
"Left Arm",
for i, child in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
if ValidParts[child.Name] then
print("found in table")
local newParticle = Particle:Clone()
newParticle.Parent = child