I looked on google and found nothing but the vans event…
That is kinda what I want tbh. but there is nothing about hwo to make it…
like that but in my game… where do I start… and how. Im not a good scripter at all
Attachments are also a viable method to solve your issue. You can attach the accessory to the FootAttachments in R6, or the AnkleRigAttachments in R15.
Welds and attachments are two completely different instances. Welding to an attachment will not work. If you want to use the weld method, parent a weld on the part you want to attach on the player, be sure to set the Part0 and Part1 appropriately. If you want to use the attachment method, rename the attachment in the part you want to attach to the player.
I know this looks like a huge mess of words, it’s a little difficult to explain. I can provide an example if you are still lost.
so i added a attatchment but… how do i like… attach it?
i looked and propeties and didnt see anything helpfull. I added a starter charcter to make it easier i hope
its r6 but i can make a r15 one if need. I dont see the FootAttachments in R6
but i did see the AnkleRigAttachments in R15.
It’s a little weird when it comes to R6. Play in the studio, and copy your R6 Character. Stop playing then paste your Character in the workplace, you should see the LeftFootAttachment and the RightFootAttachment. Rename the LeftShoe and RightShoe attachments to the respective side. Make sure you put the part you want to attach in an Accessory, and rename to Handle.
SOoooooo i ended up copying the insidesof the leftfoot and rightfoot the putting the shoe model in the sharter charcter and
pasted the leftfoot inside in left shoe and ect i deleted the
and replaced it with welconstraint and did
will be right foot for right foot and I manuly put the shoes where they need to be. then deleted the feet