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I want to have no duplicate text on these parts. What’s the best way to do this. I tried to do this in the loop below. I think i need to loop until i have a random answer thats not the actual answer, if i should do this how should i do it.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The first 2 lines of the script puts “banana” which is the answer on a random part. QuestionTable.answer is the actual answer. In the loop i tried to change the text of all parts except the actual answer to something random.
local randompart = parts[math.random(1, #parts)] --Random Part Chosen
randompart.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = QuestionTable.answer --Changing the SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text to QuestionTable.answer
for i, v in pairs(parts) do --Looping through all the parts
if v.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text ~= QuestionTable.answer then --if the SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text isnt equal to the actual answer.
local otheranswers = randomAnswerTable[math.random(1, #randomAnswerTable)] --get random answer from a table full of answers
if otheranswers ~= QuestionTable.answer then --if random answer is not actual answer.
v.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = otheranswers --Change text to random answer.
Make an empty table, add texts in there which you have used, and when generating a new answer create a random text which isn’t in the previous generated things.
You can do that by using repeat untill:
While #usedtexttable ~= <amount of answers you need> do
Local text = randomanswertable[what you have there]
Until not table.find(usedtexttable, text)
Table.insert(usedtexttable, text)
Handle setting your surfaceguis
Please note that this is pseudocode and needs to be adapted for you to work
I may be a banana but it didnt work. Gona quickly add somthing.
local randompart = parts[math.random(1, #parts)]
randompart.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = QuestionTable.answer -- Sets actual answer on to random part first.
for i, v in pairs(parts) do
if v.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text ~= QuestionTable.answer then
local otheranswers = randomAnswerTable[math.random(1, #randomAnswerTable)] --get random answer
table.insert(anemptyTable, otheranswers) --Insert random answer to a empty table.
for i, v in pairs(anemptyTable) do --Loop through table
if otheranswers == v then
local otheranswers = randomAnswerTable[math.random(1, #randomAnswerTable)] -- Keep repeating till its not in table.
until not not table.find(anemptyTable, otheranswers)
v.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = otheranswers --Set random answer which shouldnt be duplicate.
You have until not not, that wont work because it will never be in the table before you added it.
Next to that you didn’t follow the order that I said. Iterating over an empty table wont work, and you never created the empty table.