How to put the player back where they last touched the ground after falling

title explains it all

my game takes place on a building high up in the sky and when a player falls off it teleports them to a predefined spot

how would i get the last point a player touched the ground (orange dot) so i can return them there so they dont have to run back to that area

When you say fall off, do you mean jumping or walking off the edge or both cause why not?

I can only think about a trigger,
just like a teleporter that sets your value 5 studs
away from the edge/part you touched.

edit: Or very easy, make an invisible wall so you don’t have to code anything.

This seems a bit complex but I would say it is possible.

You will track the characters HumanoidRootPart.CFrame every second. As soon as the HumanoidStateType changes to an activity that is done in air, you will go in high tracking mode and track every tenth second the CFrame. As soon as the HumanoidStateType switches to Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefalling that means the player is falling, you then teleport him to the last saved CFrame while he was on Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running and teleport him there. This script is possible and I can code it but maybe tommorow as it 5 AM for me.