I am working on a schedule from Trello List to Roblox.
This all is working well and GUIs appear.
I just want to make it clearer so GUIs are put in order by time and date.
For example:
Time: Hours (9PM)
Dates: Months and days (October the 21st)
Basically, first order by date and then by time.
How would I do that in script? Like, from trello, first string is date and time, sent like that for example: 2019:09:25:21:00
Split the string using string.split and pass a colon as the separator. Use the returned values (it returns a table) to order accordingly. Your method of sorting is up to you; you can use table.sort, if you like.
local timeInfo = string.split("2019:09:25:21:00", ":")
print(timeInfo[1]) -- 2019
If it were up to me, this is something I’d hack together (it’s not a hack though) by removing zeros and ordering by the resultant number.
It sounds like you want to sort your objects by Date-Time? If so, I’ve just written the following code for you:
local function sortByDateTime(objs, datetime)
if not objs or type(objs) ~= "table" then
return error 'array not passed'
if not datetime then
return error 'invalid datetime variable name passed'
local current = os.time()
local enum = {
[1] = "year";
[2] = "month";
[3] = "day";
[4] = "hour";
[5] = "min";
for _, obj in next, objs do
local event, count = { }, 1
for number in obj[datetime]:gmatch("(%d+)") do
event[enum[count]], count = tostring(number), count + 1
obj[datetime] = os.time(event)
table.sort(objs, function (a, b)
return os.difftime(current, a[datetime]) < os.difftime(current, b[datetime])
return objs
--[!] init
local myObjects = {
{["time"] = "2015:5:25:21:00", name = "oldest"};
{["time"] = "2018:5:25:21:00", name = "newest"};
--> As you can see above, your date-time variable is called "time"
--> Pass both your array and variable name and it will sort your table from newest to oldest
myObjects = sortByDateTime(myObjects, "time")
table.foreach(myObjects, function (i, v)
print(i .. ":", "{")
table.foreach(v, print)