Forgive me if i posted this in the wrong channel
Anyway, I have a lot of empty models in studio right now, and I really want to get rid of them all to clear up clutter but there’s too many for me to do manually. Is there a much better and faster way of doing this? Thanks
You could simply use Command line to execute code to check Descendant length of :
game:GetService("Selection"):Get() : {Instance}
If the parent contains zero descendants, destroy it!
March 15, 2024, 5:41am
could run this in your command bar
for _, v in workspace:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("Model") and #v:GetChildren()==0 then v:Destroy() end end
get all descendants in workspace… if they’re a model and the number of children is 0, destroy it. Backup your game first in-case
March 29, 2024, 5:42am
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