How to reassign a meshpart's front face?

I am having trouble with importing a meshpart. The front face is set to the side instead of the actual front, and this messes up everything pertaining to this part. I’ve looked at other topics and none of them cover how to do it. How would I go about doing this? I can share photos if you need them.

From what I’ve gathered this is probably only possible in Blender, but if it’s not please share.

Found my own answer (like I’ve done for many issues I have).


Changing the circled value sets the front face. To anybody having a similar issue, I hope this helps!

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To add to more context to this.

This is in the Import Preview screen that appears after you use the Import 3d tool under the Avatar tab

Other than this… I don’t believe there is a way to change the orientation of a mesh once it has been imported or if its being imported by other means (Asset Importer, MeshParts).

If you want to change the orientation of a mesh BEFORE it touches Roblox you can do so using Blender (or your 3d Software of choice) by either changing the export settings or making sure the front face is facing the right direction (I believe its -Y, correct me if Im wrong)


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