Alright so Im trying to scale my parts and this happens:
Why some of them go down and some go straight? is there any way to recalculate the normals so they all resize in the same way?
Any help is appreaciated
Alright so Im trying to scale my parts and this happens:
Why some of them go down and some go straight? is there any way to recalculate the normals so they all resize in the same way?
Any help is appreaciated
I see that you are using F3X and this normally happens. It’s because the middle parts are shorter than the long ones and it thinks it’s supposed to scale it down. I recommend just doing them one by one.
I reccomend you download model resizer
EDIT: Heres the real one Model Resize Plugin 2.1 [ DRAG TO RESIZE! ] - Roblox
Hey. is there a plugin that doesn’t have this problem? anyway different than resizing each one of them?
I do, but, I want to scale them just from on side, no all the mesh in general
and yet another reason to not use f3x,
i recommend either just building big from the start or using model resize for that
as for plugin that doesn’t have this problem, just use the standard roblox tools
As I said before, I just want to resize from one side, not all the mesh with all the parts in all the axis, just from one of the “faces” making a bigger ring but mantaining the center with the same radius
Then slice it in halve with brick cutter
Well. that might be a solution Im just trying to keep everything clean and not messy
Every other Part of the circle is just facing the wrong direction. Select all of the wrong Parts and rotate them to face the same way as the intended Parts. It’s actually a pretty easy fix.
Also I’ll mention that it’s weird to refer to a solid Part as a “normal” because that’s not really what it is - a normal would more accurately be the face of each individual Part, not the entire Model.
Many plugins make common actions less time consuming, so suggesting this is the opposite of helpful.
You could change it to Local in F3X, not sure if that’ll help.
Can also do it with a script. If all the parts to be scaled are in a folder (so you don’t have to filter out things that don’t need scaling), then you can iterate over all of them and scale each in the direction you want based on some condition. Presumably some will have the size you want to scale on let’s say the x axis, but one next to it will have that size on maybe the z axis. What you do is check each part and if the x size is what you want then you scale that part in x, otherwise scale it in z. Can just paste and run the script from the command line.
for k,v in parts(your_folder:GetDescendants() ) do
local x = v.Size.X
local y = v.Size.Y
local z = v.Size.Z
if x == value_you_expect then
v.Size =*scaleFactor, y, z)
v.Size =, y, z*scaleFactor)
Something like that. Don’t need to use a scale factor; can just give the new value. Could be more complicated if you need to scale up or down instead of from the middle, but not much. Just scale then add a little position adjustment right after.
Aotrou’s solution is probably best here because that little adjustment to the model keeps you from running into the same issue if you need to scale it again. You may need to type in the rotation and scale adjustments to make the suggested change if you are doing them all at once (I don’t think the dragger will let you do that, though there may be an option I don’t know about).
Thank you for the help!, Im not the best at scripting and the Aotrou’s solution fixed it, but thank you for your time