How to recover un-saved game?

How do I recover my unsaved game? I just put a lot of work into it but I forgot to save and its not on my games list.


There could be autosaves or auto recovery files. When you open studio, it will tell you if there are auto recovery files available. If it doesn’t say this, well, out of luck I believe.


yeah… I started recreating it.


In your Studio settings you will have a setting for Autosaves and it will list the location of your save points.
Go to that file location in your computer to find your Autosaves.

Also, if Studio shuts down due to an error it’ll create a save point so next time you start studio it’ll ask if you want to reopen the build session.


Don’t know if this was ever solved, but just go to experiences > (click on your game you want to find the autosave for) > Go down to Places > Click on the Place > Version History > From there just cycle through where you think is the best time to recover data is.

I hope this helps someone!

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