How to recreate a retro/classic roblox design

I really want to make a retro style esque game, down to the texture, guis, etc.
I am not sure where to start or if theres any actual resources out there.

as to reference to what I mean, something like this would be neat.


There are ways to replicate old/retro/classic Roblox, Like how in the image, Retro Studio has achieved. You could start off by finding the classic animate script and attempt to upload recreated textures, materials, etc, to create a truly retro experience within modern-day Roblox. Alternatively, You could find materials that have already been uploaded for others to use.

Obviously, there are some things you can’t change - Like the built-in menus that exist on Roblox. you can modify quite a lot still though - Which is the main thing!

The majority of these things are openly available for you to get, but things like the player list, chat, and so forth might be a little more difficult as you might have to totally remake aspects of the old Roblox client from scratch. That means learning how to script (if you don’t know how already), creating UI instances, and so forth.

In short, to recreate the old Roblox style, You’d have to attempt to remake quite a lot of things, but some stuff like textures, some scripts, and so forth are widely available to assist you in making this.

Alright man, thank you so much; Ill see what I can find on devforum and so.

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Why would you want to do this? There’s no point when things like austiblox and novetus exist, and you can develop using a retro roblox studio version.

Also, just look in the fonts folder of the old clients. It has stuff like animate scripts, old characters, sound scripts, and more.

The textures are also included.

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Because I want to do it ? I’ll go ahead and check the folders and so if I can


Well, if you actually want to host it on Roblox and not Austiblox, what you should do is create the game in those old clients so that the game will be historically accurate. Then, move the game to the new studio, fix things (like deprecated stuff), apply old textures, scripts, and characters, add a 30 FPS cap (depending on your date range), add the old UI and you’re done!

Keep in mind that I have no idea how to retrieve the old UI, so if you figure that out yourself, keep me informed.

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Ill experiment with what I can but yea sure.

Do you need any of the old versions? I have Studio versions from 2007 to 2013, although I think 2012 is the year you’re looking for.

Also here’s a script to cap the FPS (just change to 30 or 31):

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There was archived Roblox clients in the web from 2008 to 2018 (i think), you may could use them for replicating old things from here and importing them to new client.

You can get an old ROBLOX version in a client archive website to remake that.

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