How to recreate this portal effect?

Simply put, I’m curious how this is done in the new “The Hunt” event. Any help is appreciated


hey! I’m sorry if this isn’t much help, but you could more then likely get a result like this using Boxrums Fake interiors.

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Its simple really, ive done it before. Now I can’t remember the exact process (well the math atleast), but all it really is a SurfaceGui that contains a ViewportFrame. You put a Camera inside the ViewportFrame, then put the parts and models inside your ViewPort frame. Now you want to create a LocalScript that uses math to adjust the camera’s position and orientation as if it was in the normal world. But maybe just using that fake interiors module may be better.


Just search viewport, there a number of tutorials on it in resources .

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I figured it was something to do with viewport frames. This gave me an idea for how the camera should work.

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i might be good at math, but not when coding, and especially when it comes to cameras
can i have some guidence?

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